
“Bilum Books SBC English helped me understand new approaches to teaching English to the children…The lessons are interesting, and the PNG and child-centred learning activities in Bilum Books help to improve student attendance.”

Rachel Damien interviewed at the PNG-Australia Partnerships for Improving Education (PIE) program teacher training workshop in Vanimo.

“In the past when we were given the SBC Guide/Kit, it was like being given huge potatoes to swallow and we could not swallow them. Now with the Bilum Books they are like chips that have been made out of the big potatoes, sweet and easy to chew and swallow.”

Mr Reuben, teacher from Gobadic Elementary School, Nawaeb District, Morobe Provence 

“Thank you, Bilum Books. I was lost in the bush. Now I am on the clear road.”

Elementary teacher attending an SBC English workshop, Karamui, Simbu Province.

“With the Bilum Books we were equipped to teach properly. In the past we didn’t have speaking and listening, writing, reading and comprehension and phonics. When World Vision taught us how to use the Bilum Books, we started using them as resources to teach and almost immediately I recognised the changes in my students. They started to read better, write well and where before the students would speak English in grade 3 or 4, they also started speaking English at Elementary 1 stage.”

Yao Mafan (Mr Bob), Elementary 2 teacher, Gunasu Elementary School, Nawaeb District, Morobe province

“Bilum Books SBC English was chosen by the Provincial Division of Education because it is easy to follow and it is fully aligned with the Department of Education Elementary English Standard-Based Syllabus. It is a 40-week daily, structured program that covers the content and skills to be taught to all students as they learn to speak, read and write in English.”

Mr Inabari, Provincial Elementary Coordinator, East Sepik Province

“The classroom part of their visit went well. The Grade 1 teacher we observed was the same guy I’d seen last year when I visited the school…He had been very nervous and terribly stiff and awkward when I observed him last October. What a difference 4-5 months makes! He was confident, assured, using the BB Teacher Guide as a prompt and not a crutch. He was firing off questions all over the place and the children were answering, all in English. There may have been some rehearsal, or perhaps he was repeating a lesson he’d done the day before, as the kids were a bit too quick on the trigger but still…lots of English, higher order questions, engagement, enthusiasm…couldn’t have gone better.  

Richard Geeves – formerly Senior Education Advisor, ChildFund

Bilum Books SBC English was chosen because, for children 6-18 years who do not go to school, the books are well structured and easy to follow and user friendly. They are also completely aligned with the Department of Education’s Elementary English Standards Based Curriculum.”

Ms Hoge Baeau – coordinator of Ginigoada’s Early Childhood Development Program & Bridge School – Out of School Children’s Program